Sunday, 25 December 2016

A Spider and A Fly

West led Q and South won with the A and ran the 8. Sitting East was alert and sharp! As soon as West showed up with the QJ, East knew that declarer had all the missing points. (Note that he could see all four Jacks.) So, East realised declarer would make his contract unless given a nudge in the wrong direction.  So, East won the second trick with the A. Then he cashed the A and continued with the 5 and waited motionless, the way the spider waits for the fly!

South, thinking that the only way he could fail would be to duck this trick to West’s Q and watch East receive a diamond ruff: Naturally, South won the 5 with the K and took a second spade finesse. Imagine his surprise when East produced two deadly queens: first the Q, then the Q to put the contract down.

May all the sweet magic of Christmas conspire, To gladden your hearts and fill every desire!

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