Monday, 2 January 2017

Fifty Years Ago

Today is the beginning of the New Year! Certainly, there is a nip in the air. My friend on the 21st floor must be feeling the chill much more.

“Preempts at favorable vulnerability are different today than they were 50 years ago,” confided my friend. I nodded, “Yes, things do change in 50 years.” He then showed me today’s hand from a 50-yearold rubber bridge game. The paper was crusty brown and the ink was fading.

“Who opened 3? I asked. “South,” he said, “after all they didn’t play weak two-bids in those days.”

South allowed the Queen to win the first trick so the spade king is protected, and later South could ruff out the Ace of Diamonds, discard a spade on a diamond honor.

“East scolded his partner for making this lead,” said my friend. “If he led a club, declarer would eventually lose four tricks.” “But,” said my friend. “After a club lead, declarer can still make. He wins the Ace of Clubs, comes to his hand with a trump and leads a  diamond. When West plays the ten, he ducks that!”

“They don’t play the hands as well, today,” I said, “As they did 50 years ago.”


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