Sunday, 15 January 2017

The setting trick

Every Maharashtrian must have enjoyed the festival of Makar Sankranti by presenting each other with ‘til gul’. Thanks to PETA, that NGT has banned the sale and the use of sharp and lethal kite-flying string, called the ‘manja’ that poses a danger to humans, animals and birds.

West led the 2 covered by the Q, K and A. Next came four rounds of trump, West discarding two diamonds and a heart, followed by the K to West’s A. West continued with the J and another heart forcing South to ruff with the last trump. South then cashed two diamonds ending in the closed hand. East smartly discarded 2. East knew that South was out of trump. If South has the K, there is no defense so East played for that card. When East got in with the Q, East could take the setting trick in hearts.

‘Setting goals for your game is an art. The trick is in setting it at the right time’.

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