Three days later India shall
witness Republic Day
celebrations held in New Delhi.
Abu Dhabi Crown Prince,
Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed
Al Nahyan will be the chief
guest for this day celebrations.
West leads the ♥A, followed by
the ♥K and a third heart which
South ruffs. To make the
contract, after drawing trumps,
South should not take the club
finesse yet. South should give
himself and extra chance by
testing the diamonds first. If
the ♦Q falls singleton or
doubleton, South is home.
After ♦A, and ♦K, South should
play a third diamond. If East
began with ♦QXX, East would
win but would be endplayed. A
club return solves the club
problem and a heart return
gives South a ruff in hand and
a club discard from dummy.
Freedom in mind
Faith in words,
Pride in our heart
Memories in our Souls,
Let’s Salute the Nation on
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Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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