Sunday, 29 January 2017

In Order to Succeed

Today is the finale of the Willingdon Sports club bridge tournament which has been on for the last three days. Deepak Podar has worked very hard to make this event a great success. Kudos to Deepak! 

West led J. South has a loser in each suit, plus a second in diamonds. He could ruff one diamond in dummy and then take the trump finesse, but this fails. Two ruffs in dummy is unsuccessful since an over-ruff is inevitable. 

To succeed, South must reject any idea of trumping a diamond in dummy yet, preserving all three trumps there. At trick one, South should win and lead ♠6 from hand, playing low from dummy also. 

Whatever West leads next, South can win, cash two top hearts and play ♠K and ♠A. If and when West ruffs, it is with his natural trump winner, and there is now a trump left in dummy. This allows South to ruff a diamond and cash spade winner, pitching his little diamond from hand. 

Above deal is courtesy ‘Apro’ Dara. A friend in need is a friend indeed! 

A happy partnership is a matter of give and take. You give in and your partner takes credit.

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