Sunday, 4 December 2016

Winning Trade

After cashing the K, West continued with the A, dropping East’s Q, West next leads the 10. East ruffs, South over ruffs and pulls trump in one round.

West, who had opened and raised, almost surely had the K.  After South ruffs the third diamond, he should cash every one of trumps and then the K and A.

With three tricks left, South has the AQ and a club. Dummy to lead, has two hearts and a diamond, and West must likewise keep a high diamond and the K8.

South then leads the diamond and throws his losing club. He trades one loser for another, but it’s a winning trade; West must lead from the K, yielding the contract. It wasn’t Christmas cake walk indeed!

‘Bridge is like a hot bath. It feels good while you’re in it, but the longer you stay in, the more wrinkles you get’.

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