After cashing the ♦K, West continued
with the ♦A,
dropping East’s ♦Q,
West next leads the ♦10. East ruffs, South over ruffs and pulls
trump in one round.
West, who had opened and raised, almost surely had the ♥K. After South ruffs the third diamond, he should
cash every one of trumps and then the ♣K and ♣A.
With three tricks left, South has the ♥AQ and a
club. Dummy to lead, has two hearts and a diamond, and West must likewise keep
a high diamond and the ♥K8.
South then leads the diamond and throws his losing
club. He trades one loser for another, but it’s a winning trade; West must lead
from the ♥K,
yielding the contract. It wasn’t Christmas cake walk indeed!
‘Bridge is like a hot bath. It feels good while you’re
in it, but the longer you stay in, the more wrinkles you get’.
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Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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