Sunday, 18 December 2016

Suit Provides an Opportunity

Here is a juicy deal by ‘Apro’ sweet Dara!

Here is a long suit which provides an opportunity to set up two discards. The spade suit is more solid than it might first appear. West’s 8 lead is almost certainly top of a double ton and South can discard two diamonds from hand.

At trick one, declarer should play low from dummy, allowing his 9 in hand to force East to play J. When East switches to K, declarer can win, cash K and overtake Q with A in dummy to lead K. If East covers, declarer ruffs; if East plays low, South discards a diamond. This play can be made three times, providing the two discards required to pitch South’s diamond losers.

“Opportunities are like Sunrises, if you wait too long you miss them”

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