West led ♠2 to East’s ♠10 and South
won with ♠A. He led
a trump to dummy’s ♥K, losing to East’s ♥A. East
cashed ♠K and led
the ♠Q. If
South ruffs low, West over ruffs; if South trumps high, West holding is promoted
into a trick. If South crosses to dummy’s ♣A and leads a heart from table, East
can rise with the ♥A, and plays two spades, declarer can
afford to trump high without setting up a trick for West.. Now South can cash ♣KQ,
pitching spades from dummy.
But East can thwart this superior line. He wins ♥A and cashes
and leads a low spade, which forces West to ruff. If West does not appreciate
that East’s ♦A
was a singleton and he has striven to put West on lead to return a diamond,
there is one further plan East could adopt: ‘a change of partner’!
If “Plan A” didn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more
Stay cool!
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Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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