Sunday, 31 January 2016

Lead directing double

Today Bombay Gymkhana is the venue for the 12th Family Bridge Tournament sponsored by Dina Daver, beloved wife of her late husband Minoo Daver, in his fond memory. We shall watch today immediate family and extended family members crossing the ‘Bridge’! 

West led 4 and South had an easy time making the contract. Dummy’s J was covered by the Q and taken with South’s K. Two rounds of spades, ending in dummy, extracted the outstanding trumps. Declarer then led a club and in a curious twist of events, didn’t really care whether he guessed clubs in winning or failing fashion because it didn’t affect the success of the contract. 

West won the club and shifted to heart but it was too late. Declarer inserted the 9. East was able to win the 10 but was unable to continue the suit. In time, South lost another club trick but was able to discard his losing heart on dummy’s ♣J. Totally undesired lead! 

Noticing several dark, ugly bruises on man’s shines, doctor asked him if he played hockey, soccer or any another physical sports. 

‘No’ answered the man, “I play bridge with my wife.” 

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