Sunday, 24 January 2016

The Principle

‘Apro Dara’ this time has given us a real juicy defense oriented deal.

Today onward, for three days the Willingdon Club is holding its 2nd annual Bridge Tournament. Kudos to the tournament committee and a special one to Deepak Poddar!

West led 8 — his partners called suit — West put in 10 and South ducked. East cashed AK and led  J, South finally winning. West discarded a couple of low diamonds.

The principle is this: When your partner has tricks to take, work to provide as many entries for him as possible. Here, East has no entry and, by looking at the dummy, West knows it. But, could East possibly hold J? If so, West’s lazy discard of two low diamonds may have cost his side a vulnerable game contract!

Instead of throwing away diamonds on East’s third and fourth round of spades, West should discard the K and Q! Now, when the declarer plays on clubs, nothing can stop East winning with his J and cashing two further spade winners. Down one!

Happy Republic Day To You!

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