Sunday, 3 January 2016

An endplay

Let our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word. Wishing my readers A Happy New Year and a lot of happy bridging.

Above deal is courtesy ‘Apro’ Dara, who always provides us with these interesting deals on the spot!! West led AK and another, on which declarer pitched a low club. The best solution is often to spurn one guess and, in doing so, force your opponents into solving the second guess for you. Here, the declarer should refuse to take trump finesse but, instead, cash the A and K, Q might drop and, if it doesn't as here, you are still in strong position. South cashes AKQ and now exits with a trump.

Whoever wins Q — here, West is endplayed. If he leads a club, you no longer have a guess to make; if he leads anything else, South can ruff in dummy and discard a second club from hand. Completely obviating any need to risk a melancholic and intoxicated guess.

Let Us Welcome The New Year, Give The Happy Adieu To The Old, Start The New Beginning Without Fear, And Cherish The Memories We Hold!

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