Just two
days ago was Makar Sankranti, the kite flying festival, celebrated in India
with immense joy, but when will the true awareness dawn upon the people about
the harm inflicted to those innocent, feathery friends? They get entangled into
that sharp ‘manja’ and get crippled, falling down and trying desperately to
hide under or behind some object before becoming a meal for the stray dogs and
cats. ‘Joy for human beings but a deep sorrow for the free birds.’
West wins
the first trick and continues with ♦Q; East
overtakes and switches to the ♥6. Can East have the ♥K? If East had the ♥K, he would let the partner win trick two, so that West
could switch to hearts through dummy’s ♥A. Since West has ♥K, South has four losers: one heart, two diamonds and one
there is a chance: that West has at most two clubs. South should play his low
heart and win the trick three with Dummy’s ♥A. Draw trumps, cash the two top clubs, then exit in
heart. With luck, West will have to return a red-suit card, allowing South to
ruff in the dummy and discard his club loser from hand.
“What is
It is a
That we
all want to catch.
It is the
same bird
That we
all love to see flying”
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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