Sunday, 10 January 2016

Justified Pessimism

Bare branches of each tree
On this chilly January morn we see,
Like magic, unlock springs for sap to flow
Buds, new leaves, then bloom and will

South was clearly very sure of not to bid on to 4, a respectable spot.

West led the 5, 9 from dummy and East won with the J. East switched to the 7. South should not let the thought of missing a possible 4 divert him from the task at hand, to make 3. The easy solution is to play low from hand on East’s switch.
Whether West plays low or the 10 South can draw trumps and South has 9 tricks.

If South plays the Q on the 7 and West ducks, South will be now in considerable jeopardy in 3. As the cards lie, 4 will almost certainly fail. The cards have justified South’s pessimism.

Good men must die, but death cannot kill their names.

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