This hand
was a struggle for South, first in the auction, then the play. After opening 1♣ and
jumping to 3♣(a slight
overbid), South heard partner bid his singleton, so he bid 3NT. Then his
partner bid 4♣, a slam
try. South bid 4NT, which appeared to be a signoff. North, however, responded
aces, and South retreated to 6♣.
The good
news for South started when West, figured out from the auction that South was
ready for a heart lead so she led a spade. Nice try! Declarer won the ♠K, went
over to dummy with the ♦A, and discarded three hearts on three spades. More good
news: The spades were 4-4. Next the ♥Q was called for; East covered with the ♥A.
was beginning to see a bit of dawn. He was left with the problem of how to
reach the dummy to cash that ♥10 (for a diamond discard). One idea is to lead a low
trump toward the ♣J, hoping
the ♣K is on
the left. Another is to lead the ♣Q. If someone takes the ♣K, you’re OK, and if someone ducks (say, with
King-third), you cash the ♦A and the
♣A and
lead a third round of clubs, hoping the person with King third of clubs started
with only two diamonds.
tried the second idea, leading the ♣Q. West won the ♣K and declarer reached the dummy for his discard and
fulfilled his slam. West could have defeated the slam, if she had played ♣5 on the ♣Q.
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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