Wish you a Very Happy Valentine’s Day.
This deal is an ideal example of which suit to choose. West leads his fourth-best club, and East cannot cover dummy’s club 9. Should South stay in dummy to try a diamond finesse or should overtake with his club 10 to finesse in hearts? Use care in choosing — your prejudices might influence your choice.
If South opts to stay in dummy and finesses in diamonds, West wins his queen and shifts to hearts. This finesse loses also and East shifts to spades. The defenders then collect three spades to go with two red suit winners; and the game goes one down. So much for the diamond finesse. The Heart finesse is clearly the better choice. Why? If the heart finesse loses, South can still count nine tricks before the defenders take five (three hears, two diamonds and four clubs).
South should overtake club at trick one to lead the Heart Q East wins, but there is no defense. West can never enjoy a diamond trick, and the defenders can score only three spades and Heart King.
What did Valentine card say to the stamp? Stick with me and we’ll go places!
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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