Sunday, 21 February 2016

With a little luck

West led the §4., south ruffed the first club in dummy and led a trump to his ©A, drawing out standing trumps. A diamond was led to dummy’s ¨10 and East’s ¨J and East exited with a diamond to West’s ¨A.

West shifted to the Aª, the finesse lost and a spade return doomed the contract!

South succeeds if, instead of ruffing, he discards a spade from dummy at trick one.  East wins the §A, promoting South’s §K to a winner.  Regardless of how the defense proceeds, South has time to discard dummy’s second spade on his §K, and loses only two diamonds and one club.

Luck never made a mad man wise!

A lady player never disliked a man so much that she would return his diamonds!

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