Sunday, 3 March 2019

The right timing

MY friend on the 21st floor invited me to see how some trees are shedding their leaves and how some others are blossoming with flowers. He said you get a lovely view from the top and I could take some
nice photographs from my telescopic camera and join to play some rubber bridge.

East’s 1NT shows a hand that would open 1NT — about 15-17 high card points and a club stopper. The double by South is for penalty. North didn’t have much for defense so he pulled out to 3 clubs and now South bid 3NT. 

Timing can be critical when there are several fragile suit combinations and tricks to lose before you can establish the winners you require to make your contract. East is marked with almost all the  outstanding high cards. 

Kibitzing above the deal, I was rather impressed the way sitting South, a young pretty, witty dame, played this deal. She won  ♠A at trick one. Since East is marked with ♠K, she played a club towards  ♣Q. East could win  ♣K or duck and win a club later but it is too late for him to set up the heart tricks. 

If the young chick had made the reflex play at trick one by following a low spade from dummy, East would have won and switched to a heart and it would have been too late for pretty, witty South to set up her ninth trick.

‘Time is an illusion, timing is an art.’

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Twitter ID  : @HemaDeora

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