SOUTH’S jump to 4♥promises a hand with
distributional values and not
necessarily an abundance of
high cards.
On the lead of ♠K, East
plays ♠4, discouraging a
spade continuation. West
switches to ♣4, dummy
plays ♣7, East ♣Q and South
takes ♣A.
If South draws one round of
trumps, plays a ♣K, and ruffs
a club low, East will overruff ♥7 with ♥Q and play his last
trump. South will be left with
a club loser.
South will succeed if it
plays no trumps at all before
ruffing clubs, or if he plays
to a high trump and leads
a club towards his ♣K and
takes his first club ruff with
the other high trump. The
second with that significant ♥7, South will lose a trick to ♥Q but makes the contract.
There is one further
trap to consider. If South
crosses to the high heart
and lead a club, East might
ruff, put his partner in with a
diamond and a third club will
promote ♥Q. To avoid this
trick, South should simply
play a diamond. If East gets
immediate club ruff, he ruffs
a loser and declarer can then
draw trumps and take the
one club ruff that he would
‘The greatest trap in
our life is not success,
popularity or power, but
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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