Sunday, 17 March 2019

A fifty-fifty chance

ON Thursday, joyful and colourful festival of Holi will be celebrated in almost every part of the country. It’s the festival of colours and symbolises the triumph of good over the bad. 

West led 4. With three unavoidable losers in the black suits, declarer might take a fifty-fifty chance on a diamond finesse. 

The proper play should be that South wins dummy’s A at trick one and leads a low club. East’s 10 wins and he would cash his K before switching to spades. South should win A, lead a club to A and ruff a club high. A low trump should be led to dummy’s 9 and another club is ruffed high. Trumps are drawn, ending in dummy, and dummy’s fifth club provides the game-going trick. South loses only one spade, one diamond and one club. 

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them and do nothing.

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