Sunday, 31 March 2019

Increase the chances

THAT was a lovely feeling to hear the first cuckoo call early morning the other day. They say spring only truly arrives when the first cuckoo call is heard. This call can be so loud and demanding too. 

South’s preempt was effective as the opponents can make 11 tricks in either minorsuit contract. Yet, it was too dangerous for either opponent to bid. Rather than pin all hopes on the position of A with East, South should increase his chances by developing the spade suit. He should start by discarding a spade on West’s second high club. 

West would shift to a heart or a spade and South would win Ace. South now can ruff a spade back. A trump to dummy’s J lets South ruff another spade to establish the suit, and the rest was easy. South would discard two diamonds on dummy’s good spades and the defense is limited to only three tricks. 

‘Sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them an extra bullet for their gun because they missed you the first time.

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