Sunday, 24 March 2019

No more goodies

BOMBAY Gymkhana is holding the 6th Shrikant Ruparel Memorial Pairs Bridge Tournament today. Shrikant was an ardent bridge player and a tall figure in the bridge world. His lovely wife Ira has been holding this tournament every year in her beloved husband’s fond memory. As usual, our dear Dr D Subbarao has risen with his helping hand. 

‘Apro’ Dara has sent this deal for all his bridge friends before he departs to Washington DC to collect some more juicy deals for us. 

West led 10. Assume South wins the second diamond as the bidding suggests that East has a six-card diamond suit. Driving out ♠A or taking the heart finesse, both are death wish plays. Why not try cashing five clubs forcing East to reduce to six cards? 

If East saves one spade, three hearts and two diamonds, South can drive out ♠A. East now won’t have enough diamond winners to hurt South. If East reduces to three diamonds, one spade and two hearts, Q will drop. In short, East, with three goodies to hold, will be squeezed out of one of these goodies on the fifth club.

So, no more goodies.

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