Sunday, 25 February 2018

The Popular Line

This, rather interesting deal, is sent by our dear friend Deepak Parekh, who has time to go around the world to watch his favourite sport, cricket, but has no time for his second favourite mind-sport, bridge. However, he does make it a point to read these interesting deals, and, sometimes, pass it on to me, so my readers can enjoy them too! 

In the above deal, the popular line was to win in hand, ruff a spade, cash the A, ruff a Heart, ruff a Spade and ruff another Heart. But, West overruffed and shifted to a club: down one! 

True, the bad heart break was tad unlucky, but much better was to play a club to the ♣K at trick two. If West took the ♣A and led another trump, declarer would have needed to ruff only one spade. Here, East would have taken the trick with the ♣A and returned a club. South could have ruffed, trumped the ♠8, ruffed a club, trumped the ♠10, cashed the A, ruffed heart, drawn trumps and claimed. 

They say, “follow your heart”, but, if your heart is in million pieces, which piece do you follow?

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