It’s the 14th Family Bridge
tournament today at the
prestigious Bombay
gymkhana. As usual, the very
simple, genteel and noble Dina Daver, beloved wife of late Minoo Daver has sponsored
this tournament, in his
memory, to fulfill his desire. Hosie Hoosien has been an
expert in getting the families
together and making this
event a great success.
West was playing the
intermediate jump overcall
showing minimum six-card
West led ♥8, south has to lose
to the ♦A and the contract
hinges on the spade layout. Given West will have about 11
+ points, the ♠A figures to be
with West. Declarer’s task is to
find some way to restrict the
spade loser to one.
The declarer made short work
of it. He won with the ♥K,
played ♣A, ruffed a club,
cashed the ♥A and played his
remaining heart. His plan was
to ruff this in dummy, ruff a
club and then lead a diamond.
With clubs and hearts
eliminated, West would be end
played if holding the ♦A. South’s plan was due to be
successful. In practice West
ruffed the heart but south
simply discarded dummy’s
last club for the same effect!
Coming together is a
beginning; keeping together is
progress; playing together is
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