Once the diamond finesse wins, the contract is makable. south should draw the trumps, cash the ♦A and ♣K, ruff the last club in the dummy and call for the ♦J. When east covers with the ♦K, not to ruff, instead discard a heart, leaving east end played. East must either open up the hearts, giving a trick to dummy’s ♥K or lead a minor suit card, which concedes a ruff-and-discard, permitting South to throw another heart and trump in the dummy. Whichever he chooses, south has only one heart loser to go with one diamond and one club.
For the killing defense, East should duck the first trick, playing the ♣9 so that west can later gain the lead in clubs for the heart switch!
It’s not violence when it’s in self defense, it’s called intelligence!
Blog : www.hemadeora.blogspot.in
Twitter ID :@HemaDeora
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