Tomorrow Chhatrapati Shivaji
Maharaj Jayanti will be
celebrated on a majestic scale
in Maharashtra. Shivaji was
formally crowned as a Chhatrapati at Raigad fort and
henceforth came to be known
as Chhatrapati Shivaji. He was
a brave warrior, known for his
courage and intelligence.
West led the ♣J, ducked to
east’s ♣A and east shifted to
the ♦Q. south won the ♦A,
played three rounds of hearts,
discarding a diamond from
dummy and led a low spade. If
West had gone up with the ♠A
and gave east a club ruff, that
would have been the last
defensive trick east-West
could have garnered. If West
had played low, south would
have inserted the ♠9. After
east had won the ♠10, east
would have played a diamond,
which was as good as
anything. Dummy would have
ruffed and the south would
have played ♠Q to West’s ♠A. End of story!
By chance if West had only
three hearts, after winning the
♠10, East could play back a
heart which West would ruff
with the ♠A and give east a
club ruff, down one!
It takes a great deal of bravery
to stand up to our enemies,
but just as much to stand up
to our friends!
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