It was a rather wet and wild,
but a colourful weekend with Holi celebrations in the city.
South needed ten tricks to
make today’s 4♥, and when
West led the ♦Q, South can
count eleven: in addition to
winning the ♦K, ♦A, ♣A and
♠A, South can score all seven
of his trumps separately with
a crossruff.
It seems easy enough.
South took the ♦K, led a spade
to dummy and cashed the ♦A,
preparing to crossruff for his
eleven tricks. it was all very
easy – except that the ♦A South couldn’t cash as West
ruffed and played a trump. Now two trumps had gone,
hence south couldn’t win
seven trump tricks to make
the contract. When south took
the ♦K, he should cash
dummy’s black aces and start
a crossruff. His actual play
risked the contract for an
All things are difficult before
they are easy!
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