This interesting and amusing
deal was played by our
popular director, Daxindas!
mostly he is addressed as
‘Daxin’. He always explains the
ruling in his Marathi English —
always very helpful and hard
West, whose finely waved hair
was smarmed down with
coconut oil, led the ♥8. Daxin
captured ♥queen with the ♥A
and played off all the clubs
discarding three spades from
his hand. East made a loud
and clear discards of ♦J109
announcing the presence of
♦K. His fourth discard was ♥9. While West was reluctant to
discard any card, choice of
poison, and finally discarded
the ♦A. I guess he was trying
to unblock, but his reasons
are unknown. Two hearts and
a spade.
Now Daxin played the ♦4 from
the dummy and east hopped
up with the ♦K and quickly
played the ♥5. West was
happy to cash his three heart
winners and exited with the
♠K. Daxin grabbed it with the
♠A and played the ♦3 to his
winner ♦Q out of the blue! And
to east-West’s horror. West
edged his chair and looked at Daxin with new-found respect. Daxin’s eyes shone with
strange light as he did full
justice to the slippery defense.
Fortune favours the bold and
the brave ones!
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