Sunday, 11 March 2018

The Better Chance

Over this weekend Otters Club held their annual State level Bridge tournament. The main organiser of the tournament is the ever smiling, courteous and always obliging Mr Chandru Bijalani. The pioneer of duplicate bridge in otters Club was Dr Tara Teckchandani. We very fondly remember her at every tournament. 

The above deal is courtesy ‘apro’ dara. 

West led ♠4, dummy rose with the ♠k and this lost to east’s ♠a, ♠7 came back, which west won and switched to 4. Declarer won this with A. The contract would fail unless South could discard one on dummy’s long club suit. To achieve this, even if the club split 4-3, dummy must be reached no fewer than four times. The finesse offered the better chance. South played ♣5 to ♣A and ruffed a club in hand. He led a low trump and, when west played low, he put dummy’s 8, which won. South ruffed another club in hand. He played a second heart, capturing west’s 10 with dummy’s J, and ruffed a third club, pulling west’s ♣k. Finally South played a third trump to dummy’s 9 and cashed his winning club, pitching one of the diamond losers. Game was scored! 

You can give others another chance, or you can forgive, let go, and give yourself a better chance!

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