Sunday, 25 June 2017

It's a Temptation

hear thunder, I hear thunder! Oh! Don’t you? 

West starts with two top clubs. After removing opponent’s trumps, there is a temptation to assume that West has the A for his two level overcall, but, that is unnecessary. 

After ruffing the second club, south should go to dummy with a trump, ruff another club, return to dummy with a trump, and ruff the last club. Then continue with three rounds of hearts. 

If West wins the trick and leads a low diamond, south will have to guess what to do. But here, East wins the third heart and is endplayed. If he leads a heart, south ruffs in hand and discards a diamond from the dummy. Alternatively, if he shifts to a diamond, dummy’s K must score and declarer’s tenth trick. 

“Do not be angry with the rain, it simply does not know how to fall upwards!”

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