Sunday, 11 June 2017

A Smart Move

Above deal was played by one of the fine players, a dapper and ever smiling Uttam Gupta, against two stalwarts, Manas and Samir.

Sitting West manas led 4, 8 from dummy, East 10 and Uttam won with K. Initially, south had three spades and two diamond losers. No way south could ruff a heart in the dummy as East would over ruff and two rounds of diamonds would doom the doubled contract.

Amazingly uttam made a smart move! He played a spade from the hand, West took it with 10, cashed a and exited with
4. Dummy played the A, and ruffed a club, a heart to K, and another club ruff in hand. South cashed K and ruffed a spade in dummy. Now was a master stroke! Uttam played the 10 and when East ruffed with 6 he under ruffed with 5. Samir, Sitting East must have begun to squirm as he was left with the A and J had to give the Q as ninth trick and a doubled contract!

South’s eyes must have shone with strange light!!

Well played utttam!!

Sometimes, it’s a smart move to play dumb, but it’s almost always a dumb move to act smart!

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