Sunday, 4 June 2017

Guarantee The Contract

After a long time, my friend who lives on the 21st floor invited me for a game of rubber bridge.  He said before the monsoon, the sunset view is amazing from his terrace, and I must not miss it! so, I was there watching this beautiful sun setting scene and of course kibitzing south playing the above deal. 

West led the ♠3 and dummy’s ♠K won as East followed with the ♠Q. Declarer then led the ♣Q and finessed. When it held, south switched to hearts, finessing the J when East followed low. The finesse won and declarer then cashed the ♣a, dropping the ♣K from East hand. A spade to the ♠a dropped the ♠J from East. Declarer now ran the clubs, repeated the heart finesse and won thirteen tricks! 

I looked totally dazzled by this miraculous play while my friend from 21st floor gave a big applause saying ‘Bravo, well played’. A faint smile appeared on the declarer’s hard face! south was adding more and more risk to the line of his play. 

South’s main concern should have been to guarantee the contract and that can be done by winning the ♠K, playing a club to the ♣a and then a second club to dummy’s ♣10 regardless of the distribution of the hidden cards. 

Thank god, I could fall back on the beautiful sunset at the twilight of my life.

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