East won his ♣a, returned
a club and south daringly
finessed his ♣J. Flushed with
that dubious success, south
led a trump to drive out the
♥a, and another club return
provided the clincher. West
ruffed the third club and
cashed his ♦a and the game
went one down!
Had south not won his sully
finesse, he would have surely
made his game. had he won
the second trick with the ♣k,
he would have seen the need to
quickly discard his ♣J on one
of dummy’s high spades.
Situation is no different
when south is left with the
winning ♣k. Before touching
trumps, he should cash
dummy’s high spades, ditching
the ♣k. When East wins the
♥a, the club return proves
harmless. south ruffs high and
draws the remaining trump,
and the defenders get only
three tricks.
Indefinite plans get dubious
Blog : http://www.hemadeora.blogspot.in
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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