Sunday, 18 June 2017

Dubious Success

East won his ♣a, returned a club and south daringly finessed his ♣J. Flushed with that dubious success, south led a trump to drive out thea, and another club return provided the clincher. West ruffed the third club and cashed his a and the game went one down! 

Had south not won his sully finesse, he would have surely made his game. had he won the second trick with the ♣k, he would have seen the need to quickly discard his ♣J on one of dummy’s high spades. 

Situation is no different when south is left with the winning ♣k. Before touching trumps, he should cash dummy’s high spades, ditching the ♣k. When East wins the a, the club return proves harmless. south ruffs high and draws the remaining trump, and the defenders get only three tricks. 

Indefinite plans get dubious results!

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