Sunday, 2 October 2016

The Face of a Misfit

This interesting hand is an example of bidding in the face of misfit auction. Someone, somewhere, will say that North and South got what they deserved!

North overcalled 2 over West’s 1 bid. South had a modest hand and bid 2 in the hope of something happening. Something did happen. North hated the bidding so much that he passed it out.

West led the K and switched to a diamond. South could have taken the A, but he finessed and that was expensive. East took his K and cashed the Q. Back came a diamond for West to ruff. West took his two  club winner and then played the A and another spade for East to ruff. East led one more diamond. South tried ruffing with the 8 and that was overruffed by West’s 9. South had nothing left but AK53 and East had the J1074. West still had the Q. This meant that South could only get his A and K. Down six!!

This hand would have made Victor Mollo’s creatures in the Menagerie very happy!

“It’s better to be a “misfit” than a “one-size-fits-all”!”

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