Sunday, 25 September 2016

Sheer Luck

Good rains have been lashing Mumbai from past few days. The one season that Mumbaikars await – the monsoon! Of course, you have to ignore the traffic disruptions, potholes and sewage problems. But not to miss, the fire hot roasted “butta’, ‘garam chai’ and crispy hot ‘Bhajias!

West leads 6, East puts up Q and South plays  A. There are only eight tricks and the extra might come from all suits, but the red suits clearly offer the best chance. 

After winning the first trick South cashed three top hearts.No luck; West discarded a club. Then South played three rounds of diamonds. No luck. East won the trick, cashed the J and pushed a spade through declarer’s J: two down.

South could have made the contract by cashing AKQ. AK and AK before exiting with a club. West is end played to give South his ninth trick. With J.

Clouds come floating into my
life, no longer to carry rain or
usher storm, but to add color
to my sunset sky.
By – Rabindranath Tagore

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