Ganesh Chaturthi is a Hindu festival celebrated across the world in
honour of Lord Ganesha (the God with the head of an elephant). On this day,
devotees pray to the God for prosperity and an unhindered new beginning. West led ♦4 and all
seemed well for South; ten tricks seemed easy.
The first good play was East’s; he
won with ♦A and
returned a diamond. With four trumps in defense, you should always seek to make
the declarer ruff in hand to shorten his supply. South did trump, cashed two top
hearts before discovering the bad break, and took the losing spade finesse.
West continued his partner’s forcing defence by laying down ♦Q. South was now in trouble. When ruffed, he was left with only one trump in
each hand, while East held two trumps and ♣A. Defeat was now inevitable.
Declarer can turn the tables on the defence
at trick two. Instead of ruffing, he should pitch a spade from hand. West takes
his ♦Q but,
now, declarer can draw all the trumps, discard two further spades from hand on
dummy’s ♦J 10 and
then push out ♣A, still in comfort
holding the final trump.
‘May the blessings of Lord Ganesha always be upon you’
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