deeply saddened my heart and shocked me to the core to learn of the sad demise
of Farookh Cobla, one of our ardent bridge players and ‘the gentleman and an
officer.’ I fondly remember, he would religiously read my bridge column in
Sunday Mid-Day, and always SMS me his feedback on my writing in a very witty
way! He was a very keen and regular bridge player, who never lost his temper or
his gentlemanly cordial manners on the table. We will miss his lolly-polly
personality, boyish looks, sweet smile and not to miss his well-combed puff in
his hair!
the Almighty rest his noble soul in peace.
led the ♠Q; taken by South’s ♠A.
South made good dummy play. Before drawing trumps he played on diamonds. By
ruffing a diamond in his hand and then playing the ♥A
and another heart. This way South avoided the second diamond loser. Of course,
he had to be lucky enough in hearts not to lose more than two trump tricks, but
that is a separate issue.
speaks but wisdom listens’
Blog :
ID : @HemaDeora
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