Mumbaikars had to say bye to lord Ganesha on ‘visarjan’ day. The long processions
filled with pomp and splendor when Ganesh idols are taken to the sea and immersed
in the waters there. Crowded and noisy, yet full of life – with order in the
chaos. Ganesh visarjan is quintessentially what Mumbai is all about!
leads the ♠K and ♠A
against 4♥. East follows with the ten and
signals with the ♣9. East seems to have the ♣A.
So getting a club trick and a heart later will set 4♥. What should West do at trick
three? West should lead a heart.
West leads a club, South ruffs it and then ruffs his ♠Q
with dummy’s ace. South can get back to his hand with club ruff and will go
about drawing trump. West gets his ♥K, but that
is the end of that.
leading the heart at trick three. West is now able to get in with the♥ K And can give East a spade ruff. That
annoying ♥A isn’t in dummy any more to stop
my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter
rich smiles in sad hearts!
Blog :
ID : @HemaDeora
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