Sunday, 16 October 2016

The Sure-fire Play

West led the Q. South won the trick with the K, East following with the 2, and led K. East won and returned the Q, not exactly what South had in mind. South’s K lost to West’s A and back came a third heart forcing dummy to ruff. When South played dummy’s remaining J, East followed, but West threw a heart. South had lost three tricks and now could afford to lose only one more.

The sure-fire play is to cash the A, discarding a spade, ruff a diamond, and exit with the A, K and another spade. It doesn’t matter who wins or who has the Q, South’s last two cards are the Q9 and South must take the last two tricks.

On their wedding night, a couple arrives at their hotel room and the phone rings. The husband answers and talks with his friend about a bridge hand. The conversation continues for hours as the friend tells how he went down  in six spades.

When it finally ends, the distraught wife is in tears and says, “How can he be so inconsiderate? That was terrible!”

“You’re right, honey. All he had to do was take a finesse.”

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