West led ♦K, East playing the ♦2
and shifted to the ♣9. South drew trumps in
two rounds and then gave West his ♦A.
West led a third diamond to dummy's remaining honour and South had to find a discard.
He threw his ♠Q, certain that the finesse would lose in
any event.
He was right about the
losing finesse, but he was wrong about the result. He lost two clubs to go with
West's two diamond winners and the game went down one trick.
The game makes if South discards
a low club on the third diamond. Dummy's remaining club honour is cashed,
bringing bad news in that suit. but now there is a countermove. If South leads
a spade to his Ace and surrenders the ♠Q.
West is stuck. He must offer a ruff and discard, allowing South to get rid of
his last low club.
If clubs split 3-2 (with
West holding two), the game is also cold. The ♠Q
goes on dummy's good club, and the defenders
are held to only three tricks.
They say "stay calm.
It's like chess. Move and countermove.
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