Sunday, 9 October 2016

Eliminate The Spades

Day after tomorrow is Dussehra — a Hindu festival celebrated to remind and rejoice the victory of Lord Rama on evil King Ravana. This day also marks the victory of Goddess Shakthi over demon Mahishashur.

North-South got to a fair game after East opened 1 West led the 2. South knew that this was a singleton for sure. He won in his hand with the 10 and played the A and another heart, trying to get the trumps out. East playing the J first and then the K. A club returnlet West ruff with the last trump. West returned the 8 the East’s king and South’s Ace.

At this point, South had lost two tricks and when diamonds proved unmanageable; he lost two more tricks and went down one.

South should make. South had to take a spade finesse and eliminate the spades before playing the A and a heart. After doing this, East will give West a club ruff, but West will have to give a sluff and ruff or must lead a diamond, either of which gives South contract. In order to do this, South must win the first trick with dummy’s K. Take two rounds of spades and now play the A and another heart. As long as hearts are 3-2, the contract is safe. If South errs by letting the club finesse come to his hand, he won’t be able to get to dummy for the spade finesse except by using the A. After finessing in spades, declarer won’t be able to lead to his Q.

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