After many
moons, to my surprise I received above interesting deal from our friend Deepak
Parekh, HDFC. He was one of the bridge players who would play with my late
husband, Murli on Saturdays.
were the days my friend, I thought they would never end.’
In the
above hand, declarer made a somewhat unusual play that enabled him to make
five clubs. West led ♠3, on which declarer,
holding a singleton ♠J opposite the
♠A, played low from dummy, losing to East’s ♠Q.
Of course,
South could have avoided the loss of a spade trick by playing the ♠A. He merely
swapped a nonexistent spade loser for a certain diamond loser. As a result of this
play, South was able to make the contract. When East returned the spade at trick
two, declarer discarded a diamond and ruffed two diamonds establishing dummy's fifth
diamond. One heart loser was later discarded on the ♦9 and South finished with eleven tricks.
appears for a little while to laugh and weep, to work and play, and then to go
to make room for those who shall follow him in the never-ending cycle.
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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