Sunday, 25 October 2015

An almost sure thing

Once Mahatma Gandhi reportedly said, “In numbers Parsis are beneath contempt, but in contribution, beyond compare.”           

In absences of ‘Apro’ Dara, ‘Apro’ Khershid gave me this interesting deal written by Frank Stewart. I’m sure we shall enjoy and undoubtedly learn the play. Initially,outh misplayed the hand by taking the A, drawing the trumps and then leading the heart to dummy’s J. East won and returned a diamond. South won, took the A and ruffed a heart. When the Q didn’t fall, he tried a club to the Q, and the slam expired.      

To succeed in making this slam South had an almost sure thing. He must take the A-K, ruff a diamond high, cash the ªK-Q and ruff the last diamond high. Now he can draw trumps and lead a heart to the J. East wins but must return a heart or a club and South gets free finesse and his 12th trick. There’s no such thing as “for sure”. That’s the only sure thing I do know.   

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