India is
celebrating Navarati festival, which is dedicated to Goddess Durga. It is a ‘nine
night’ festival ending on Dasshera, which is the tenth day that celebrates the
victory of the good over evil.
South wins
the ©J wtih the ©Q, cashes
one high diamond and leads a club to dummy’s §J. When the finesse wins, he returns to another
high diamond, revealing normal 3-2 break.
With four
diamond winners assures, he can afford to make a safety play in clubs. And, instead of repeating a finesse to dummy’s
§Q, he
leads a club to dummy’s §9.
Had this lost to East’s §10, only an overtrick would have
been lost. However, when East discards,
South reaps a huge bonus. He can now claim not only his slam but an overtrick
as well.
first-round finesse to dummy’s §J and another finesse to dummy’s §Q would
limit South to only three club winners instead of four and with no dummy entry
outside the club suit, South would score only eleven tricks instead of twelve
or thirteen.
Don’t be
afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.
Twitter ID : @HemaDeora
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