Sunday, 11 October 2015

China's challenge

Four No-Trump was too high, but as the play developed it took a combination of brilliant  plays for the defence to prevail.      

North led the 6. South took his Q and rather than simply continue spades, he switched to the 8, declarer winning in dummy as North followed with 6.

Declarer unblocked the A and played a spade to the Jack. South went in with the A and exited with a spade, declarer winning in the dummy and cashing the remaining spade winner, discarding two hearts from his hand.
Now came the Ace and King of diamonds, on which North delivered the Q. That avoided the first possible endplay.

When declarer continued with dummy’s 4 the crocodile reared his head and South went up with the J, avoiding the second possible endplay.

He exited with a diamond and the declarer had to surrender a heart trick at the end.     

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