It is that time of the
year; to celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights, happiness and prosperity,
but it’s not the same for animals. If
you have a pet, especially dogs, they suffer anxiety during Diwali. They
tremble, whine and their bark becomes worse than their bite. I have three and
know exactly what they are going through.
Yielding to temptation
is the only way to lose the game.
South ducked the
opening lead in dummy and got a free finesse winning with his ♥10.A low spade was led towards dummy, but West alertly hopped
up with his Ace and played the ♥A and another heart to establish
his suit. South now could take 3spades and 3 clubs on the run for a total of eight
tricks. If he tries to steal a diamond West is ready to pounce and collect the
rest of his five winners for one down.
The game is unbeatable
if South credits West for all three aces for the opening bid. He wins dummy’s ♥K at trick one and knocks out ♦A. If West plays the ♥A and another heart South will collect three winners. And If
west leads anything else, it's even easier. Regardless of what West leads South
has time to knock out the ♦A to score a comfortable over trick.
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