Sunday, 22 November 2015

Act of Patience

In today’s deal, East won the first heart and shifted to the J. That defense wasn’t good enough. South took the Ace, cashed the A-K of trumps and K-A and ruffed a club. He  led a heart to dummy, ruffed a club, ruffed his last heart in dummy and led the good club to pitch a diamond loser. He lost one diamond, a heart and a trump.  An act of patience will beat the contract. East should see no pressing need to win the first heart, if he ducks, South is in dilemma, if South leads a second heart, East can win and lead a third heart, forcing dummy to ruff, or lead a diamond, killing an entry South needs to set up and cash the clubs. If South attacks the clubs immediately, West  can over-ruff him on the third round and South will go down. Nor can South succeed  by taking the top trumps before starting the  clubs. The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.    

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