Sunday, 8 November 2015

Clear and obvious

It was amazing to hear Australian soprano, operatic singer, Greta Bradman, the granddaughter of the greatest cricketer, Sir Donald Bradman at the performance with Maestro Zubin Mehta. Her voice was totally controlled like a willow trees beautiful branches bending and flexing yet remaining in tact even in the strongest breeze.      

This interesting deal came up in the 12th World Team Olympiad in Istanbul, Turkey; When Italy VS Mauritius was in action, in their 14th round.      

Italian, Duboin was West and Bocchi East. While from Mauritius Hurpaul-South and Tang-North. A 12-point hand is often described as an optional opening bid.

Sitting North, Tang opened 1.As the auction progressed, South showing, South bid 3 NT.

Duboin led the 9. This is a cruel dose of reality. East, Bocchi could have tried to establish his club suit by ducking and hoping West has another club to return, should West gain the lead. But ultimately, how can East then regain the lead to enjoy the established winners?

Bocchi realised that South must have the A for the notrump rebid so there no quick entry in spades. And it was obvious that there was no hope in clubs, diamonds or spades. Given that scenario, Bocchi grabbed the A at trick one and returned a heart. It didn’t take long for the defenders to establish two hearts, two diamonds and one club. Down one.

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