Sunday, 3 June 2018

The Second Suit

In the above deal, West’s bid of two clubs was the ‘landy’ convention, showing length in both major suits. West might have made two hearts, so north-south tried 3NT. When West led the ♥K, East played the deuce and south ducked. Now he was left with the ♥A-J. West shifted to a club, south won, lost a diamond finesse to East, won the heart return, and claimed with four club tricks, four diamonds and a heart. West forgot he had the second suit his bid had shown. He defeats 3NT if he shifts to a spade at the second trick — and to the Queen. If south takes the ♠K and leads a club to his hand and loses the diamond finesse, East can return a spade through south’s Jack, letting West cash three spades. If instead south let ♠Q win, West continues with a low spade and the result is the same, down one.

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