Sunday, 27 May 2018


West’s 2 was a weak two-bid. A 3♠ bid might have been more prudent than the jump to 4♠, which suggests a stronger trump suit. South preferred to gamble on partner having some spades than finishing in a minor-suit game. After the A lead, West switches to the ♣5. You win with dummy’s ♣A, discard a club on the K and lead the ♠4. East plays ♠5 and West, ♠2, as your King wins. The aim is to hold your trump losers to two. If the spades divide 3-3, it will not matter how you continue and if East began with ♠AJ10x, you are almost certainly doomed. If the spades are 4-2, a low spade next will succeed if an opponent holds ♠Ax, but with that holding West, would have captured your King, and East is highly unlikely to hold ♠AX, as West would hardly open a weak 2 when holding four spades. in addition, it is twice as likely that the doubleton holding would be ♠10X or ♠JX. south justified his jump to 4♠ by continuing with the ♠Q after the ♠K won. he thus pinned West’s ♠10 and restricted his trump losers to two. 

The universe has no restrictions; 
we place restrictions on the universe 
with our expectations!

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