Mumbai is getting hotter and
hotter day by day, but
Mumbaikars must not miss the
city’s skyline with the flowers
blooming on tree tops, peeking
out from the concrete jungle,
playing hide and seek. Truly a
colourful sight!
Sometimes one has to teach
aggressive opponents a lesson
– like by making a difficult
South has a spade loser, not to
mention two possible heart
losers. The opening lead
presumably marks East with
the ♠KQJ10 and that along
with the ♣Q. Clearly places the
♥A with West. Now, south is in
business. He won the ♠a, drew
trumps, striped diamonds
ending in his hand, and led a
low heart to the ♥Q which West
ducked. Now south exited with
a spade, forcing a heart return
or a ruff and a sluff!
Don’t let worries get you down,
play Bridge instead.
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Twitter ID :@HemaDeora
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